Het SPEAR systeem is ontwikkeld door Coach Tony Blauer. Hij deed 34 jaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar het gedrag van mensen tijdens gewelddadige situaties. Hij ontdekte dat mensen, ongeacht hun (trainings)achtergrond, altijd terugvielen op hun primair/aangeboren gedrag… SPEAR is hierop gebaseerd en daarom logisch, simpel en snel te leren!
“Your body & mind already know how to fight. There is a behaviorally-based protective system hiding inside every single person. We are all ‘human weapons’. By integrating, simple, safe, natural bio-mechanics you will possess a protective system based on how you [a human] moves and reacts to danger.” – Coach Tony Blauer
Video’s over Tony Blauer en SPEAR
De toepassing van SPEAR voor zelfverdediging
Omgaan met angst en zelfverdediging in iedere situatie
Artikelen over Tony Blauer en SPEAR
Men’s Fitness feature over SPEAR
The SPEAR System
The Economics of Violence
Enkele inspirerende quotes van Coach Tony Blauer
“Your ability to protect yourself or a loved one is inarguably the single most important skill you can possess.”
“What if learning how to protect yourself was much easier than you thought?”
“The SPEAR System is based on an 80,000-year-old genetic survival response that helped keep our ancestors alive. The reptilian brain wants you to survive. Its initial response is to protect the head and move you away from danger. We have sharpened this movement. Be the tip of the spear. Because in your fight, you’re on point.”